
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. A great deal of time and effort has gone into providing this service to our community and the families we serve. We are constantly enhancing the information in this medium and hope that you find it helpful and convenient. We are here to continue to provide the highest standards for our community and to the families that we serve.


2014-01-07 - Welcome to Beckett-Glaves, Brantford's premier funeral home. We are proud to be the FIRST FUNERAL HOME IN CANADA TO BE ABLE TO OFFER LIVE VIDEO WEB-CASTING of funeral services at NO CHARGE to our families. Immediate Cremations, Funerals, Memorial Services, or Memorial Receptions. Family owned/operated by the Glaves family, we are able to offer the most personalized service (for one of the lowest costs in the surrounding area), in an award winning, traditionally elegant, and yet totally modern environment.

2014-01-07 - Beckett-Glaves family owned funeral home strives to provide you with the most complete, comprehensive full service funeral or cremation services while being less expensive than most of the other local funeral homes. Serving Brantford, Brant County, Paris, Burford, Simcoe, Hamilton, Waterford, St. George and surrounding areas. Please call for a no-obligation apples-to-apples quotation. (519) 752-4331.

2014-01-07 - The Beckett-Glaves Christmas Candle Lighting service will be held on Sunday, December 7th, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. Candle lighting will begin at 1:30 p.m.

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